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If you’re like me, bible study is a major reason why you got into ministry in the first place. Over time, though, it's not uncommon for dry periods to set in, times when bible study can feel dull and even uninspiring. This can undermine me on a day-to-day basis:

  • I don’t stay consistent because it’s not 'exciting'.
  • I don’t feel confident leading others.
  • I feel stuck in my spiritual growth.

The good news is that there are some great Bible study courses that can rejuvenate your experience and give you fresh eyes. I've collected some of the best: here's a summary of each course to help you learn who it's for and why it's great.

Best Bible Study Courses Shortlist

Here's a shortlist of the best bible study courses I think are worth your time in 2024:

  1. How to Read the Bible, Part 1 (TheosU)
  2. How to Read the Bible, Part 2 (TheosU)
  3. Bible Study: Accepting Your Identity In Christ (Udemy)
  4. Introduction to the New Testament: Gospel and Acts (
  5. Studies in the Hebrew Bible (All Nations Biblical Study Center)
  6. Systematic Theology: Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible (Udemy)
  7. Hebraic Methods of Bible Study (Udemy)
  8. A Guide to Bible Study Methods (
  9. Hermeneutics: Principles of Interpreting the Bible (Udemy)
  10. Kings and Chronicles (Yale Divinity School)
  11. New Testament Course (Christian Leaders Institute)
  12. The Gospel of John (Yale Divinity School)
  13. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (BibleProject)
  14. Ephesians (BibleProject)
  15. Acts (TheosU)

Find more details about each course below

Overview Of The Best Bible Study Courses

1. How to Read the Bible, Part 1 (TheosU)

Screenshot of How to Read the Bible, Part 1 course overview
How to Read the Bible, Part 1 course (Source)

This course introduces students to the foundational principles of reading and understanding the bible. It covers various interpretative methods and historical contexts. In this course, you’ll explore the first chapter of each bible book, offering hermeneutical insights, identifying exegetical errors, and demonstrating effective and ineffective preaching techniques.

  • Who It’s For: Beginners and intermediate bible readers
  • Topics Covered:
    • Literary genres
    • Exodus
    • Leviticus
    • Numbers
    • Deuteronomy
    • Joshua
    • Judges
    • Genesis
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Hours of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Price: Starts from $13.33 per month (billed annually)
  • Take The Course: TheosU

2. How to Read the Bible, Part 2 (TheosU)

Screenshot of How to Read the Bible, Part 2 course overview
How to Read the Bible, Part 2 course (Source)

Building on part 1, this course looks deeper into advanced interpretative techniques and theological themes within the bible. You’ll look into common exegetical mistakes, discuss effective preaching methods, and highlight approaches to avoid, focusing on the books from Nehemiah to Daniel.

  • Who It’s For: Intermediate and advanced bible readers
  • Topics Covered:
    • Contextual analysis
    • The Psalms
    • Proverbs
    • Ecclesiastes
    • Song of songs
    • Jeremiah
    • Lamentations
    • Isaiah
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 3 hours and 30 minutes
  • Hours of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Price: Starts from $13.33 per month (billed annually)
  • Take The Course: TheosU
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3. Bible Study: Accepting Your Identity In Christ (Udemy)

Screenshot of the Bible Study: Accepting Your Identity In Christ course page
The Bible Study: Accepting Your Identity In Christ course (Source)

This course focuses on understanding and embracing one's sense of self in Jesus through scriptural teachings and individual contemplation. This course will help you uncover the painful, false beliefs you've been holding onto. You will explore specific bible verses that challenge and correct these misconceptions. Finally, you'll learn a three-step strategy to overcome negative, painful beliefs.

  • Who It’s For: Christians seeking a deeper understanding of their faith, those wanting to understand God's thoughts and feelings about them, individuals with doubts and insecurities about their identity, anyone wishing they were someone else, people running from themselves and seeking peace, and individuals feeling ashamed of who they are
  • Topics Covered:
    • Identity in Christ
    • Biblical teachings
    • Personal reflection
    • Personality and spiritual gift test
    • Accept who God says you are
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Price: $89.99
  • Take The Course: Udemy

4. Introduction to the New Testament: Gospel and Acts (

The Introduction to the New Testament: Gospel and Acts course screenshot
The Introduction to the New Testament: Gospel and Acts course (Source)

This course provides an in-depth introduction to the New Testament focusing on the gospels and the acts of the apostles. The course emphasizes Christ's core teachings, the theology of evangelism, and the early church's establishment as described in acts.

  • Who It’s For: Students and laypeople interested in New Testament studies
  • Topics Covered:
    • Political backgrounds
    • Religious backgrounds
    • Historical context
    • Illustrations and applications
    • Literary criticism
    • Infancy narratives
    • The historical Jesus
    • Christ’s adult public ministry
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 21 hours and 46 minutes
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Take The Course:

5. Studies in the Hebrew Bible (All Nations Biblical Study Center)

Screenshot of the Studies in the Hebrew Bible course page
The Studies in the Hebrew Bible course (Source)

This course explores various books and themes of the Hebrew bible offering detailed analysis and interpretation. It covers each of the major divisions, providing an introduction and discussion to help students grasp the overall structure, and central message of the Hebrew bible text.

  • Who It’s For: Those interested in Old Testament studies
  • Topics Covered:
    • Historical context
    • Testament writings
    • Dominant themes
    • Prophetic book
    • Messianic prophecies
    • Hebrew scriptures
    • The life and ministry of Jesus
    • Jewish writings
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 6 hours
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Take The Course: All Nations Biblical Study Center

6. Systematic Theology: Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible (Udemy)

The Systematic Theology: Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible course screenshot
The Systematic Theology: Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible course (Source)

This course covers the major doctrines of the bible, providing an orderly approach to understanding Christian divinity. The instructor is the pastor of joy community church and is also the author of several Christian books. By taking this course, you will increase your understanding of God's word, and you will have a firm foundation to build your life and ministry.

  • Who It’s For: Those interested in deepening their theological knowledge, pastors, church youth workers, ministers, cell-group leaders, evangelists, and bible-study teachers
  • Topics Covered:
    • Systematic theology
    • Biblical foundations
    • Humanity and Salvation
    • Spirit-led living
    • Supernatural realm
    • Engaging with God
    • Death and eternity
    • The church
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 3 hours and 30 minutes
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: A scripture
  • Price: $64.99
  • Take The Course: Udemy

7. Hebraic Methods of Bible Study (Udemy)

Screenshot of the Hebraic Methods of Bible Study course website
The Hebraic Methods of Bible Study course (Source)

This course introduces students to Hebraic methods of bible study. This approach understands that the bible is distinctly different from Western literature in two ways. First, it is an ancient text composed in the oriental world, second, its message is spiritual rather than factual, logical, and scientific.

  • Who It’s For: Those interested in Jewish interpretative methods
  • Topics Covered:
    • Jewish interpretative techniques
    • Biblical analysis
    • Universal truths and concepts
    • Uncover biblical meaning
    • Theology
    • Uncover mysteries
    • The Great Rift Valley
    • The concept of truth
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 7 hours
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Price: $74.99
  • Take The Course: Udemy

8. A Guide to Bible Study Methods (

A Guide to Bible Study Methods course screenshot
A Guide to Bible Study Methods course (Source)

This course offers a comprehensive guide to various bible study methods, helping students to effectively interpret and apply biblical texts. This course, the second in our sequence on hermeneutics, builds upon the foundational principles covered in the initial class, "Hermeneutics." While both courses overlap, the first emphasizes study methods, while this one offers a practical approach to scriptural analysis.

  • Who It’s For: Spiritual mentors and serious students
  • Topics Covered:
    • Interpretation techniques
    • Application of texts
    • Four key principles of exegesis
    • Ten steps for exegesis
    • Principles for word studies
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required: No
  • Duration: 6 hours and 48 minutes
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Take The Course:

9. Hermeneutics: Principles of Interpreting the Bible (Udemy)

Screenshot of the Hermeneutics: Principles of Interpreting the Bible course page
The Hermeneutics: Principles of Interpreting the Bible course (Source)

This course covers the principles and methods of biblical hermeneutics, focusing on the accurate interpretation of the scriptures, particularly within the context of first-century Greek culture. You will learn to apply sound hermeneutical principles to your study of the Bible, enhancing your understanding and handling of the Word of God. This will better equip you to teach and preach with precision.

  • Who It’s For: Those interested in biblical interpretation, pastors, preachers, and teachers of God’s word, and Christians pursuing deeper religious insight
  • Topics Covered:
    • Interpretation methods
    • Scriptural analysis
    • Historical setting
    • Passage’s geography
    • Figures of speech
    • Features of Biblical Poetry
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Eligibility Requirements: Students will need to bring a bible and a willingness to learn
  • Price: $64.99
  • Take The Course: Udemy

10. Kings and Chronicles (Yale Bible Study)

Screenshot of the Kings and Chronicles course website
The Kings and Chronicles course (Source)

This course will provide an in-depth study of the history of Israel during the monarchy, focusing on significant figures and events such as Solomon, Elijah, and Josiah, as recorded in the books of the Bible. We will explore both the Old and New Testaments to compare two distinct accounts of this period, each shaped by the context in which it was written. By examining these perspectives, you’ll gain insight into how narratives are influenced by their time of composition.

  • Who It’s For: Those interested in the Old Testament history
  • Topics Covered:
    • Books of kings
    • Books of chronicles
    • Historical significance
    • After exile
    • Divided monarchy
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 6 weeks
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Take The Course: Yale Divinity School

11. New Testament Course (Christian Leaders Institute)

Screenshot of the New Testament Course landing page
The New Testament Course (Source)

This ministry training course involves reading the entire Christian scriptures. It explores key theological insights and their relevance for Christian living. You will also understand the expansion of the gospel and the early growth of Christ's followers.

  • Who It’s For: Those seeking a broad understanding of the new testament
  • Topics Covered:
    • New testament books
    • Themes
    • Historical context
    • Development of the gospel
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Price: Free
  • Take The Course: Christian Leaders Institute

12. The Gospel of John (Yale Divinity School)

Screenshot of the Gospel of John course website
The Gospel of John course (Source)

This course is part of a study program designed to foster spiritual growth as it explores a cherished text among Christian readers, known for being the longest and most recent of the four gospels. It features unique accounts of Jesus, including turning water into wine, meeting the Samaritan woman at the well, and raising Lazarus from the dead. These stories, guided by the Holy Spirit, are not found in the synoptic gospels.

  • Who It’s For: Those interested in the gospel of John
  • Topics Covered:
    • Gospel of John
    • Unique themes
    • Theological insights
    • Significance of Christ
    • Woman at the well
    • The bread of life
    • Man born blind
    • Resurrection
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Take The Course: Yale Divinity School

13. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (BibleProject)

Screenshot of the Introduction to the Hebrew Bible course page
The Introduction to the Hebrew Bible course (Source)

This course offers an introduction to the hebrew bible, exploring its structure, and themes. We will look into the contextual information about how these texts were produced. Our focus will be on understanding why and how these texts were brought together into a unified collection.

  • Who It’s For: Those new to the hebrew bible studies
  • Topics Covered:
    • Biblical scrolls
    • Historical context
    • Narrative and poetry
    • Words and design patterns
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 14 hours and 44 minutes
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Take The Course: BibleProject

14. Ephesians (BibleProject)

Screenshot of the Ephesians course landing page
The Ephesians course (Source)

In this course, you can enroll at your own pace as you explore how Paul identifies the pivotal apocalyptic event as the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the giving of the spirit, which ushers in a new creation in the present world. This will focus on understanding this transformative revelation of Jesus Christ and its implications. Additionally, you'll examine how Paul instructs his audience to respond to this significant event in their lives.

  • Who It’s For: Those interested in the book of Ephesians
  • Topics Covered:
    • Book of Ephesians
    • Themes
    • Theological messages
    • Literary design
    • Identity
    • View of grace
    • Transformation begins
    • Concepts of election
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 11 hours and 25 minutes
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Take The Course: BibleProject

15. Acts (TheosU)

Screenshot of the Acts course landing page
The Acts course (Source)

This course explores the Book of acts, focusing on its historical context and the early Christian church. It will analyze acts from historical, grammatical, and narrative perspectives. Students will explore key elements and insights gained from these approaches.

  • Who It’s For: Those interested in early Christian history
  • Topics Covered:
    • Examining acts
    • Background to acts
    • New Testament
    • Main themes
  • Online, In-Person, or Both? Online
  • Exam Required? No
  • Duration: 5 hours and 30 minutes
  • How Many Hours Of Instruction: Self-paced
  • Eligibility Requirements: None
  • Price: Starts from $13.33 per month (when billed annually)
  • Take The Course: TheosU

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Joshua Gordon

Joshua Gordon is a lay-pastor, author, and editor of Over the last two decades, Josh has worked closely with pastors and other christian leaders, helping them to sharpen and elevate their messages. Today, Joshua pastors at New Life Fellowship, a thriving church he helped plant in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.