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A church administrator is the point person in charge of church operations and is a critical asset to the lifeblood of the church. Church administrator duties can run the gamut from communication to finances to building maintenance. 

The role of a church administrator poses advantages to the employer and employee, according to career expert Zippia. Zippia’s trends indicate that most church administrators make around $63,000 a year. That salary is well above the average office administrator salary, and the average full-time salary in the U.S.

No matter where your church is, taking the leap and hiring a qualified church administrator can help your church run successfully, engage with the community, and much more. This article helps break down the makeup of the church administrator role and expands on how someone helping out in these areas can help your church flourish. 

Top 3 Church Administrator Duties

Part of the church administrator job description is being able to provide support on a wide variety of roles and responsibilities, including planning church events, organizing church records, church facility maintenance, and connecting with the congregation and church leaders.

But despite the varying responsibilities, three core duties consistently fall under a church administration role. These duties can look different depending on whoever is in the position, as there isn’t one perfect way to execute them. 

But the top three staff duties include operations, finances, and communication. We’re going to break down each aspect and explain how each role could positively benefit your church.

It’s also worth mentioning that church administrators often use specific church software or church administration software to assist them as they carry out these duties. 

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1. Church Operations

A church is, first and foremost, a house of worship for God. But it is also a business, and in order for that to be as successful as possible, someone must oversee the day-to-day operation and keep it running without disruption. This is where a church administrator can be of great assistance. 

Running administrative support can look different depending on the season. Still, it can include keeping church files and records organized, scheduling and running meetings for the pastoral staff, and ordering everything from coffee to office supplies to toilet paper. 

When someone is in charge of executing these small but mighty tasks, it can take the stress associated with remembering to check these items off the to-do list away from the lead pastor. It can also free up time for other staff members to work on what they’re hired for, whether that be music or the kids ministry, rather than helping out with more administrative duties. 

Other operations duties can include:

  • Meeting note-taking
  • Organization and cleaning 
  • Creating a church calendar
  • Connecting new members with staff 
  • Executing church meetings and parties 
  • And more

Read more about how to organize your church operations here.

2. Church Finances

Like operations, stewarding finances is integral to ensuring your church operates successfully. While many churches have boards of elders, deacons, or others entrusted with the large amounts of tithing that comes into the church, there are plenty of other smaller-scale financial decisions that help the church operate successfully.

Oftentimes, overseeing and managing these finances is another responsibility of a church administrator. This is because they’re often very practiced in soft skills like organization, attention to detail, and computer proficiency.

Operating a monthly church budget, handling payroll, and paying utility bill due dates are just a few areas where church admins can greatly serve the church. Without someone like a church admin overseeing these duties, finances can get lost in the shuffle and can result in some serious setbacks.

Other financial duties can include:

  • Preparing documents for tax season
  • Managing invoices for outsourced work
  • Keeping spending records
  • Order purchasing
  • Managing the business credit card or payment system
  • And more

3. Church Communications 

Lastly, another key aspect of a church administrator’s duties is communication. This aspect of a church administrator’s job might be the most important, as a church can’t exist without clear communication. There’s no church if the congregants do not clearly understand what the church is about and how it executes its vision. 

By hiring a church administrator, communication has the potential to become consistent, clear, and captivating. All it takes is a regular cadence of communication, whether that be via email, a group message, or some other avenue. 

A weekly or monthly newsletter can be a fantastic communication effort led up by a church administrator. Newsletters are simple and easy ways to tell members of church announcements, staff hiring, upcoming events, and even ask for additional volunteers. 

By having a church administrator in charge of this on a regular basis, you can ensure your messages are reaching the proper audiences in your church and that everyone is one the same page. 

Other communications duties include:

  • Answering phone calls to the church
  • Coordinating church volunteers and staff roles
  • Sorting daily mail
  • Communicating with community stakeholders
  • Creating event schedules
  • Creating communication plans and strategies for the church
  • And more

Should I Hire A Church Administrator?

It might feel overwhelming thinking about bringing on another staff member by hiring a church administrator. But the advantages of hiring one far outweigh the potential cost. A quality church administrator has the ability to streamline communications, steward finances well, keep a church operating efficiently, and more. If these are areas where your church needs support, a church administrator could be of great help to you! 

Does your church have a church administrator? If so, what do they do on a daily basis for your church? (And if not, you might want to take a peak at how to set up church admin.) You might want to look into church administration training for them. Similarly, are you a church parishioner or member looking to start a career as a church admin? Let us know where you fall in the comments below! 

The strategies for running an effective and successful church are always evolving. The Lead Pastor has all the information you need to get started, from youth discipleship and communication tools to risk management plans and worship team training.

Ashley Vaughan

Since she began leading worship at the age of 15, Ashley has always been passionate about supporting the local church and leading others into worship. For the past 10 years she has been leading worship teams and finds much joy and fulfillment in empowering and raising up other leaders. Ashley is a song writer with Worship Central Canada and has had the incredible opportunity to travel and lead worship, while collaborating with other worship leaders.