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Someone once told me that guessing “turns questions into adventures." For the record, that is HORRIBLE advice for church accounting. Like, really, really bad.

Church finances should never be a guessing game.

In the unhappy circumstance where they are - well, church accounting guidelines are your solution.  In this article, we'll dive into the basics of church accounting and explore the many benefits of using church accounting software. From simplifying tithing management to ensuring financial transparency, we've got you covered (check out our in-depth analysis and ranking of this year’s best church accounting software tools).

What Is Church Accounting?

Church accounting is the practice of managing a church’s finances, from donations to expenses. Church accounting software simplifies this process by tackling common challenges, such as:

Beyond these tasks, accounting software is essential for ensuring effective management of your church records, as well as clear and honest financial practices. If you’re unsure which church accounting software is best for you, check out our article on this year’s very best church accounting software. 

types of headaches infographic
Forget migraines and stress; church finances are the realest pain. Enter church financial software.

Church Accounting Guidelines And Best Practices

 Let's explore the essential guidelines and best practices every church should follow to maintain financial integrity.

Keep Detailed Records. 

This is crucial for your church. Document every donation, expense, and transaction. This will maintain transparency with the congregation and ensure that you have a clear picture of your church's financial activity.  

Maintain Clear Budget Lines. 

Ensure all your funds are allocated to proper budgets and purposes (e.g., Children's Ministry, Missions, Building funds). This will avoid any confusion and ensure that money is being used as intended. 

Conduct Regular Audits.

 Conduct regular internal and external audits. This should not be seen as a negative thing but as something that will help catch errors, prevent fraud, and, above all, build trust with your congregation. 

Use Church Accounting Software: 

Dedicated accounting software for your church will streamline your processes, reduce accounting errors, and save time on administrative tasks. 

The Lord detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with Him

Proverbs 11:1

Accounting Team Saves Dozens of Hours Each Week with Church Accounting Software

Parable Church Accounting, an accounting service specifically for churches, faced significant challenges with manual expense management involving paper receipts, spreadsheets, and manual reconciliations. This process was time-consuming and error-prone, diverting leadership from their mission.

By adopting church accounting guidelines, aided by industry-leading church accounting software, Parable streamlined its accounting processes. The software they chose saved 3-4 hours per week per client (adding up to dozens of hours each week). The biggest time savers?

  • Receipt scanning
  • Credit card integration
  • QuickBooks Online synchronization

The overall administrative burden on their staff was drastically reduced. This allowed their leaders to focus on their core mission, knowing their finances were efficiently managed and compliant with IRS requirements.

Additionally, their accounting software improved accuracy and transparency in financial reporting, making it easier for Parable to manage church budgets and track spending. The software's user-friendly interface and mobile accessibility ensured that staff could submit expenses on the go, further increasing efficiency.

Embracing and implementing church accounting guidelines and utilizing the best financial tools transformed Parable's financial outlook.

Parable's financial management hit a new level, reducing errors and administrative workload while enhancing financial oversight. This shift empowered their leaders to dedicate more time and resources to the work of growing their reach.

What's the Difference Between Church Accounting and Business Accounting?

When it comes to accounting, churches and businesses operate in different worlds. To help clarify things, let's examine some of their basic financial practices and how they differ. 

Accountability, not Profitability: 

In church accounting, the focus is accountability (of course, having money left over at the end of the month is awesome, but that’s not the objective). Churches must be accountable to the congregation for the use of their donations and/or tithes. They must show that funds are being used according to the church's mission and/or annual plan.

In business accounting, conversely, the primary goal is profitability—tracking income and expenses to maximize profits. 

Fund Accounting, not General Ledger: 

Churches use fund accounting, which simply means tracking tithing (donations) and expenses by specific funds (e.g., missions, building fund, youth ministry). This ensures that all the money brought in is being used for the intended purpose. Businesses will use a general ledger system, which tracks all financial transactions in a simple, comprehensive record. 

Dig Deeper:

Dig Deeper:

American pastors, you can dig more deeply into the specific church accounting guidelines laid out by the IRS in their publication “Compliance Guide for 501(c)(3) Public Charities“. Canadian church leaders, check out CRA’s church accounting guidelines.

Mission, Not Profits:

Churches operate based on a mission to serve their community and fulfill the vision and values that the church and leadership have prayed into. Financial decisions are made in support of the mission, not simply to generate profit. On the other hand, businesses focus on generating profits for the business owner or shareholders. 

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Tax-Exempt Status: 

Churches, like most nonprofit organizations, have tax-exempt status. This means they don't pay federal income tax and can receive tax-deductible donations. Businesses pay taxes on their profits and don’t have those same income and donation incentives. 

2024 Best-In-Class Church Accounting Software

My team and I (besides being stellar writers) are pastors and church leaders. We know how crucial the right software is, and how daunting it can be to find it. To that end, we’ve invested in deep research and tested, evaluated and ranked this year’s very best church accounting software. Here’s our shortlist of the top-tier software tools.

Tangible Benefits Of Solid Church Accounting

You can say goodbye to the stress of keeping track of scattered tithing envelopes as you simplify financial processes with accurate financial reporting. This will give you more time to focus on what truly matters- serving your congregation and community. 

Here are some key benefits to expect when you successfully implement Church Accounting Software:

More Confidence in Your Donors

Generating and maintaining clear, detailed church financial report records (donations, expenses, ministry fund allocations, etc) will build trust and accountability within your congregation. The percentage of your church members who tithe or give can feel confident their tithes are being used effectively and responsibly to support the church's mission and vision. 

More Time and Money, Less Stress

Streamlining your financial management systems and processes will save time and reduce your administrative workload.

With the automated reporting and budget tracking features, the financial work will be so efficient that it will allow your staff and volunteers to focus more on ministry and community outreach efforts. This will help strengthen your ability to support your church's mission, which in itself is a huge win! 

Compliance and Peace of Mind

Minimize the risk of errors or penalties! Compliance with tax regulations and reporting standards is crucial to any church accounting system.

With proper accounting software, you can confidently navigate audits and financial reviews, protecting your church's financial integrity and providing peace of mind for your leaders, volunteers, and church members! 

Critical Church Accounting Documents

These documents are essential for maintaining accurate and transparent church accounting practices.

1) Chart of Accounts

The Chart of Accounts is an organized listing of all financial accounts used by the church. It's typically categorized into cash flow income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Each account is assigned a unique code for easy reference, providing clarity and structure to your financial reporting.

2) Statement of Activities

Also called an Income Statement, this details your church's revenue and expenses over a specific period. It provides a snapshot of your financial performance, showing whether your church is operating at a surplus or deficit during that time.

3) General Ledger

The General Ledger is the central repository for all financial transactions. It includes detailed entries for income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, supporting the preparation of financial statements and ensuring comprehensive financial tracking.

4) Bank Reconciliation Statement

The Bank Reconciliation Statement ensures that the church's financial records match the bank statements. It verifies that all transactions the church recorded align with those the bank recorded. This process helps identify discrepancies such as outstanding checks or bank fees.

This document adds a layer of accuracy and error prevention to your financial records (NOTE: how long you keep financial records depends on IRS guidelines).

Your Church Accounting ToolBox

There are 3 essential types of software that every church should integrate into its church accounting toolbox. 

Tool #1: Church Accounting Software

Church Accounting Software tracks donations, manages funds for various ministries and projects and generates detailed financial reports. It's central to following church accounting guidelines. 

2024's Best Church Accounting Software Tools

Here's my pick of the 5 best software from the 5 tools reviewed.

Tool #2: Church Bookkeeping Software

Bookkeeping software will help simplify your church's financial tasks. It will record income and expenses, reconcile bank accounts, and manage budgets. It will also provide a clear and organized view of your church's financial health, which will help facilitate informed decision-making and ensure accurate financial reporting. 

Tool #3: Church Payroll Software

Church payroll software will automate payroll processing, ensuring timely and accurate payment of staff salaries and wages. IT will also automatically calculate deductions for taxes, retirement contributions, and benefits, reducing the risk of errors associated with manual payroll tasks. 

For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.

2 Cor 8:21

How To Track Your Church’s Revenue

Tracking your church’s revenue is important; the best church accounting guidelines dictate that each type of revenue be tracked as well. Not only does this ensure accountability, but it will also help with your budgeting and financial reporting. Here are some quick examples of your church's revenue sources and how you can track them. 

Tithes & Offerings

While there are many different ways for a church to bring in money, this one is likely the bulk of your church's revenue. To record each contribution accurately, use designated envelopes or electronic giving platforms. Ensure that each donation is entered into your accounting system under the correct category, making it easy to generate giving statements for donors as well!

A Note About Church Giving

A Note About Church Giving

Church giving is an extension and reflection of your church’s culture of generosity. Attempting to increase church giving using tactics of guilt and shame may result in a short term boost of revenue, but it will torpedo your member’s intimacy with Jesus. Ensure that the way you and your leadership talk about tithes and offerings (in the short offering messages you give from the front) address giving as a gift, as a privilege – not an obligation.

Grants & Donations

Grants from foundations and one-time donations from benefactors can be a significant source of revenue. Track these funds separately from regular tithes and offerings.. (For example, someone donates money towards a new roof.) Document each grant or donation's source, purpose, and conditions, and report on the fund spending.


Fundraising events such as bake sales, charity auctions,  and special events can often require a bit more tracking. You will want to record the income from each event under a specific fundraising category. Keep detailed records of not just the revenue but also the expenses related to the fundraising efforts to measure the accurate profits. 

Special Events/Building Rentals

Track revenue from special events such as weddings, concerts, or rentals separately. This should be part of your church facility management strategy. Create specific accounts for each type of event to monitor its financial performance. Record all associated fees, charges, and down payments accurately to clearly show how these activities contribute to overall church revenue. 

Ministry Brands offers a helpful, thorough overview of church accounting guidelines

How To Maintain Regulatory And Tax Compliance

Navigating regulatory and tax requirements is crucial for your church's financial health and legal standing. Having a dedicated church finance committee can greatly aid in overseeing these responsibilities and ensuring compliance. By following some key practices, you can ensure your church remains compliant and avoids unnecessary penalties. Here are three essential recommendations to help you maintain regulatory and tax compliance.

Keep Detailed Records

Maintain detailed and accurate records of all financial transactions and cash flow, including donations, expenses, payroll, and grants. Proper documentation of any financial data helps you stay prepared for audits and will help you provide evidence of compliance with regulatory and tax guidelines. 

Understand Tax-Exempt Status Requirements

Always ensure that your church meets the requirements for maintaining its tax-exempt status. Familiarize yourself with federal guidelines and any local regulations that apply. You dont want any surprises! Regularly review your church activities and financial practices to ensure they align with compliance regulations.

File Required Reports and Tax Forms on Time

Stay on top of all filing deadlines for tax returns and submitting church financial reports. Use a compliance calendar to track important dates and to set reminders. You want to avoid any late penalties and make sure your church remains in good standing with the IRS and tax authorities!

Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to cover it?

Luke 14:28

How To Create A Church Operating Budget

Creating a church operating budget is critical for effective stewardship and financial health. As Proverbs 21:5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” If you haven't created a church budget before or if it seems daunting, here are five church accounting guidelines to guide you through the budget development process:

1. Identify Income Sources

Start by listing all potential income sources, including tithes and offerings, fundraisers, and facility rentals. Estimate the expected amounts based on historical data and current trends.

2. List All Expenses

Create a comprehensive list of all anticipated expenses, such as staff salaries, utilities, maintenance, ministry activities, and outreach programs. Include both fixed and variable costs to ensure complete coverage.

3. Prioritize Spending

Align your expenses with your church’s needs, missions, and goals. Work with church leaders to prioritize essential expenses like staff salaries and building maintenance, followed by ministry and outreach programs. Allocate funds based on importance and necessity.

4. Set Financial Goals

Establish financial goals for the year, such as saving for future projects or paying down debt. Include these goals in your budget to ensure you plan for current operations and future growth.

5. Monitor and Adjust Regularly

Regularly review your budget to track actual income and expenses against your projections. Make adjustments as needed to stay on track and address unexpected changes. Ongoing monitoring ensures your budget remains an effective tool for your church's financial stewardship.

By following these steps, you can create a solid operating budget that supports your church’s mission and ensures financial health.

Note from the author

Note from the author

Remember, effective church accounting supports your church’s mission and provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—serving your congregation and community.

Final Thoughts:

Church finances should never be a guessing game. By following church accounting guidelines and tools, managing your church's finances brings many benefits and can be straightforward and transparent. Implementing best practices in church accounting ensures faithful stewardship of the resources entrusted to you, promoting trust and accountability within your congregation.

For US churches, refer to this IRS Guide to Compliance for Charities.

From detailed record-keeping and clear budget lines to regular audits and the use of dedicated accounting software, each step helps maintain financial integrity. Embrace these practices, and let your church's financial management be a testament to diligent and faithful stewardship.

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Joshua Gordon

Joshua Gordon is a lay-pastor, author, and editor of Over the last two decades, Josh has worked closely with pastors and other christian leaders, helping them to sharpen and elevate their messages. Today, Joshua pastors at New Life Fellowship, a thriving church he helped plant in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.